Monday, January 17, 2011

Embracing ∆(LIFE)…

“This Changes Everything!”  That’s what the poster on the notice board said…
A laugh seemed bellicose…
“Impressive”, I said. “I’ll look forward to it!”.

Unlike the poster that’s Impressive!
A lie so well camouflaged, that the best of the FBI’s dogs wouldn’t smell the sarcasm.

Vaccination for HIV, aliens invading the Earth, Apocalypse; now that would really change the whole kit and caboodle!

For good or the bad, but changes have always been atop of my “dislike” list.
I am not alone in this universe who hates ∆. Ask the people of West Bengal who just refuse to get things “RIGHT”! ;)

Why should I always be the dependent variable? When even a differential variation in someone else’s life results in a drastic change in my world!?
Why do I unwillingly let changes forced upon me?

Changes have been enforced upon me and I have capitulated to the .
I often miss the past, especially thinking back to when I was a child. Back then I didn’t care so much of what people thought of me and was more open in some ways. I just miss not having the fear to do and say certain things, because when you are a child you don’t really think about the consequences of your actions or agonise so much over whether you should listen to the devil or the angel!

Where does the past/future lie? It’s there in my mind…
That’s were the sadness arise...
Life was so unpretentious back then, but delta had to strike, not once or twice but time and again!
Momma’s boy is no more a child today. From his personal room to a four membered concentration camp to a two membered cubical slot in a third world wing, its all the way!
There was a time a year back, when staring at the ceiling fan was considered to be a source of entertainment. Today is one such day for me. A day when one loses the purpose of his life. A day when existence and survival conflicts with my living.

Guess stagnancy in life comes with an expiry date embarked upon. With the hope to find some stimulus, motivation and spice to life, I continue to gaze at the ceiling fan…
And those anticipating a follow up to my previous post, “Wait for it....almost there" :)

Adieus amigos…

Contact me

Monday, January 17, 2011

Embracing ∆(LIFE)…

“This Changes Everything!”  That’s what the poster on the notice board said…
A laugh seemed bellicose…
“Impressive”, I said. “I’ll look forward to it!”.

Unlike the poster that’s Impressive!
A lie so well camouflaged, that the best of the FBI’s dogs wouldn’t smell the sarcasm.

Vaccination for HIV, aliens invading the Earth, Apocalypse; now that would really change the whole kit and caboodle!

For good or the bad, but changes have always been atop of my “dislike” list.
I am not alone in this universe who hates ∆. Ask the people of West Bengal who just refuse to get things “RIGHT”! ;)

Why should I always be the dependent variable? When even a differential variation in someone else’s life results in a drastic change in my world!?
Why do I unwillingly let changes forced upon me?

Changes have been enforced upon me and I have capitulated to the .
I often miss the past, especially thinking back to when I was a child. Back then I didn’t care so much of what people thought of me and was more open in some ways. I just miss not having the fear to do and say certain things, because when you are a child you don’t really think about the consequences of your actions or agonise so much over whether you should listen to the devil or the angel!

Where does the past/future lie? It’s there in my mind…
That’s were the sadness arise...
Life was so unpretentious back then, but delta had to strike, not once or twice but time and again!
Momma’s boy is no more a child today. From his personal room to a four membered concentration camp to a two membered cubical slot in a third world wing, its all the way!
There was a time a year back, when staring at the ceiling fan was considered to be a source of entertainment. Today is one such day for me. A day when one loses the purpose of his life. A day when existence and survival conflicts with my living.

Guess stagnancy in life comes with an expiry date embarked upon. With the hope to find some stimulus, motivation and spice to life, I continue to gaze at the ceiling fan…
And those anticipating a follow up to my previous post, “Wait for it....almost there" :)

Adieus amigos…